【Écologie et Connaissances】15 petites astuces écologiques pour la vie quotidienne, combien en connaissez-vous ?

【Ecology and Knowledge】15 little ecological tips for daily life, how many do you know?

Protect the environment

Start with small actions around you.

Come learn together

these little ecological tips for everyday life~ :

15 little ecological tips for daily life

一、 Save water

Prefer showers over baths. Turn off the tap when using
shampoo or shower gel, and turn it off immediately after finishing to
reduce water waste. Keep a bucket of dirty water at home to collect
wash water and use it to flush toilets.

二、 Save gas

Saving gas is also very important. How can we save?

Adopt good lifestyle habits. First prepare the ingredients (wash
rice, vegetables, etc.). When cooking, start with high heat to
that the flame covers the bottom of the pan. When the food is almost
cooked, reduce the flame. Reduce the heat to minimum by removing the dishes, then
increase it again when you put the following ingredients in the
stove. This not only saves gas, but also reduces the
smoke pollution from unnecessary combustion.

三、 Say no to “white waste”

Try not to use lunch boxes, chopsticks or plastic bags
disposable plastic. When you go out, take your own lunch boxes,
cups, water bottles, etc. Get into the habit of using small handkerchiefs
cloth rather than paper towels.

In this way, you can reduce the amount of waste and lighten the
pressure on their treatment. On the other hand, this makes it possible to reduce production
of plastic products, thus saving a large amount of raw materials,
electricity and water resources.

四、 Cherish the paper

To cherish paper is to cherish the forest. Used paper is one of the most valuable resources
more wasted in our daily lives. It is advisable to sort the papers,
newspapers and magazines used. Sheets printed on one side only can be
returned to serve as drafts or notes, or to be transformed into
notebooks. Outdated calendars can be used to cover books.

Place a storage box for used paper next to the printer.
Always reuse printed sheets of paper that can be. Miscellaneous
used papers which can no longer be reused must be entrusted to
professionals to be treated according to their recyclable value.

五、 Use rice rinsing water in a useful way

Do not throw away the rice rinsing water. It can be used to water the
plants, wash face or dishes. It has a fertilizing and detergent action
soft, without polluting the water. Noodle soups or dumplings that you don't
not consume can also help degrease dishes, reducing
thus the pollution of water by detergents.

六、 Use detergents carefully

Use detergents carefully to reduce water pollution.
Refuse detergents containing phosphorus and use only detergents
without phosphorus. If time and energy permit, wash your clothes in the
hand as much as possible, this saves electricity and water.

七、 Travel green

Buy eco-friendly, low-consumption cars. Try not to
use the car when you go out.

For short distances, choose cycling or walking.

八、 Turn off electrical appliances after use

Turn off all electrical appliances in the home and office after use.
Do not leave devices on standby for long periods of time. Set the
air conditioning temperature between 24 and 28°C. Buy refrigerators
energy efficient and keep the volume moderate when watching the

九、 Use more durable and reusable products.

Use more durable and reusable products. For example, use
reusable containers to store food in the refrigerator instead
disposable plastic film. Use refillable ballpoint pens instead of pens
disposable. When going out or traveling, bring your own water bottle
to reduce plastic waste. Bring your own toothbrush and other
toiletries when traveling or on business trips
to avoid using disposable items provided daily by hotels.

十、 Disposal of used batteries

In everyday life, the use of batteries is becoming more and more common.
From television and VCD remote controls to student portable music players,
batteries are omnipresent. Therefore, the problem of their elimination
arises. It is recommended that you collect all used batteries that you
throw them away and then take them to specialized factories for processing

十一、 Say no to excessive packaging

Many products, such as cosmetics and food supplements,
have packaging costs representing 30% to 50% of the total cost.
Excessive packaging increases economic burden
consumers, increase the quantity of waste and pollute
the environment.

十二、 Eco-friendly shopping

When shopping, try not to use plastic bags.
plastic. Carry a cloth bag or basket when you go shopping.

十三、 Use less disposable tableware

When eating out, bring your own chopsticks and spoons.
Use fewer takeout boxes, paper cups and plastic plates
paper, and especially avoid using disposable chopsticks.

十四、 Protect wild animals

Do not consume wild animals or use wild animal products
of wild animals. Avoid restaurants that serve wild animals.
Do not wear fur clothing from rare animals or use
products made from wild animals or plants, such as ivory,
tiger bones or red wood furniture. We protect nature
protect ourselves. Let's all build a nature reserve in our hearts.

十五、 Swap or reuse unnecessary items

Many old objects can be reused. Try to transform
seemingly useless objects into small accessories or useful household items.

For example, make a photo frame with white polystyrene, create a
bed cover or wall hanging with scraps of fabric or clothing
old-fashioned, make various decorative objects with plastic juice bottles
fruit, or make postcards and greeting cards with paper
use. With a little imagination you can transform many objects
useless in personal creations, combining relaxation and respect for the environment,
a winning solution.

15 little ecological tips for daily life

Did you remember them?

Ecology is that simple.

If everyone participates in protecting the environment, our world will become more beautiful.

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