Les cartouches d'encre ont-elles un impact sur la santé humaine ? Sont-elles considérées comme des déchets dangereux ?

Do ink cartridges impact human health? Are they considered hazardous waste?

Sorting of waste

Health begins with knowledge, together we are committed to the environment!

Every day, every person throws away a lot of waste. In certain regions where waste management is well organized, the majority of waste is treated in an ecological manner by sanitary landfill, incineration or composting. However, in many other areas, waste is often simply piled up or buried, leading to the spread of bad odors and pollution of soil and groundwater.

Selective sorting of waste

Let’s restore nature’s tranquility and greenery.

Let's reduce the impact of waste on the environment, starting with ourselves.

Let's transform our actions into an oasis of greenery.

01.Basic knowledge of waste sorting

How is waste sorted?
Waste sorting is a reform of traditional methods of waste collection and treatment. It is a scientific management method aimed at efficiently disposing of waste. Faced with the increasing production of waste and the deterioration of the environment, it is essential to manage waste through sorting to maximize its recovery.

02.What are hazardous wastes?

Hazardous waste includes used batteries, used fluorescent tubes, used mercury thermometers, expired medications, etc. This waste requires specific secure treatment.

1. Nickel cadmium batteries and mercury oxide batteries: rechargeable batteries, lithium batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, lead acid batteries, accumulators, button batteries, etc.

2. Used fluorescent tubes: fluorescent tubes (neon lights), halogen lamps, etc.

3. Expired medicines and their packaging: expired medicines, capsules, tablets, inner packaging of medicines, alcohol, used medical compresses and cotton swabs, etc.

4. Used paints, solvents and their packaging: used paint cans, hair color containers, expired nail polish, nail polish remover, etc.

5. Used mineral oils and their packaging

6. Used mercury-containing thermometers and pressure gauges: mercury pressure gauges, mercury thermometers, etc.

7. Used insecticides and their packaging: rat poison (such as strychnine), insecticide aerosols, other insecticide products

8. Used photographic films and papers: x-ray films and other photosensitive films, photo negatives

03.Are ink cartridges hazardous waste?

Most inks contained in ink cartridges include: water, dyes, inks, suspensions, organic solvents, etc.

Among these components, dyes and organic solvents can release gases when exposed to air for a long time, which can have an irritating and harmful effect on human health. If you print for a long time and breathe this smell, it may cause eye pain, dizziness, etc. However, this situation mainly occurs in the following two cases:

  1. High temperature environment : Cartridge dyes may release gas in a high temperature environment;
  2. Long-term continuous printing : If you print for a long time without adequate ventilation, exposure to cartridge dyes may also cause discomfort.

In addition to gases, there are also chemical substances. A commonly added substance in ink cartridge dyes is titanium dioxide, used to achieve vibrant colors like blue and yellow.

Titanium dioxide contains fine particles, and prolonged and intense exposure to this substance can enter the human body and cause harm. Additionally, cartridge dyes may contain toxins like lead, chromium, and other harmful substances, increasing risks to human health.

These harmful substances are very common in our daily lives. Only in the case of prolonged and intense exposure in a closed environment can it have an impact on human health.

04.Proper use of ink cartridges

Stay away from hurt and fear
It is often said that excess of anything is harmful. When something reaches its extreme, it can have various impacts on us. By properly addressing and managing the problems we encounter in life, we can better avoid risks.

How to use an ink cartridge correctly?
1. Before use, read the instruction manual carefully and check whether the product is genuine and from a reputable brand and manufacturer. Certified products meet national and industry standards and undergo appropriate testing. Learn to distinguish counterfeit products to avoid unnecessary health impacts during use.

2. When printing with ink cartridges, be sure to maintain good ventilation by opening windows to ensure adequate air circulation.

3. After printing a small portion of your work, it is advisable to take a break to relax your eyes and allow your body to breathe.

4. Wait until the ink is completely dry before touching or using printed materials. Once dry and evaporated, the ink poses fewer health risks.

5. Do not use an ink cartridge for more than three months. Keep unused cartridges in a well-sealed food storage bag and store them in a cool, dry place.

What to do if you feel unwell after coming into contact with an ink cartridge ?

1. If you touch ink, immediately rinse the affected area with clean water and avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.

2. If you feel unwell, quickly move to a well-ventilated area to breathe fresh air.

3. If ink gets into your mouth or stomach, drink water immediately to rinse the ink from your stomach.

When using ink cartridges, don't sacrifice quality for price. Choose cartridges from reputable manufacturers and brands, and follow the principles of healthy use to ensure quality printing while protecting your health.

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