
  • Les cartouches d'encre ont-elles un impact sur la santé humaine ? Sont-elles considérées comme des déchets dangereux ?

    Do ink cartridges impact human health? Are they considered hazardous waste?

    Sorting of waste Health begins with knowledge, together we are committed to the environment! Every day, every person throws away a lot of waste. In...

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  • Notre Terre en surchauffe a besoin de notre aide pour être sauvée.

    Our overheating Earth needs our help to be saved.

    You know about global warming, but do you know how it concerns you and me? Extreme weather This year again, extreme weather conditions were observed...

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  • 【Écologie et Connaissances】15 petites astuces écologiques pour la vie quotidienne, combien en connaissez-vous ?

    【Ecology and Knowledge】15 little ecological tips for daily life, how many do you know?

    Protect the environment Start with small actions around you. Come learn together these little ecological tips for everyday life~ : 15 little ecological tips for...

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  • Avez-vous planté un arbre pour la planète ? Commencez par être écologique, quelles cartouches d'encre peuvent être recyclées ?

    Have you planted a tree for the planet? Start by being eco-friendly, which ink cartridges can be recycled?

    Little tips on recycling ink cartridges The main function of ink cartridges is to spray ink onto paper through their internal nozzles to form the...

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  • Quelle est la différence entQuelle est la différence entre un toner Cartouche Verte HP 44A compatible et un toner original ?re un toner HP 44a compatible et un toner original ?

    What is the difference between a compatible HP 44A Green Cartridge toner and an original toner? a compatible HP 44a toner and an original toner?

    When changing toner, you have the choice between the manufacturer's original and a compatible Green Cartridge version. This decision influences the printing experience and budget....

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  • Comment améliorer l'effet de rendu des couleurs des imprimés grâce à la performance de l'encre ?

    How to improve the color rendering effect of printed matter using ink performance?

    Specific gravity of ink and color rendering of prints: Ink specific gravity serves as an overall measure of the specific gravity of the main components...

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  • Quels matériaux conviennent pour l'encre douce et l'encre dure ?

    Which materials are suitable for soft ink and hard ink?

    UV flatbed printers have grown in popularity due to their ability to print on a wide range of materials, including metal, ceramic, acrylic and glass....

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  • Qu'est-ce que le film de transfert thermique à poudre d'encre DTF ?

    What is DTF ink powder thermal transfer film?

    DTF ink powder thermal transfer film is an ink-absorbing PET film, suitable for digital transfer printing. The pattern obtained after ironing has a texture similar...

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